Civil and Criminal Appellate Litigation

The Law Office of Michael P. Gianelli, LLC, represents clients in all phases of civil and criminal appellate litigation.

Appellate advocacy requires a different set of skills than those needed to succeed at the trial court level. If you lose your case before the initial judge, you can appeal to a higher court. An appellate attorney must peruse the record, identify legal issues and spot the trial court’s reversible errors. After an extensive review of the record, an appellate attorney must craft a persuasive brief clearly setting forth a client’s strongest arguments. In addition, successful oral argument before a panel of appellate judges requires meticulous preparation. Michael Gianelli has proven that he possesses the right tools for successful appellate litigation, and is prepared to handle either criminal or civil appeals in state, federal or administrative (e.g. Board of Immigration Appeals) courts.

Written by

Michael P. Gianelli, Esq., is licensed to practice in Colorado, New York, and California (inactive). Prior to establishing the Law Office of Michael P. Gianelli, LLC, he practiced in New York at Reynolds, Caronia, Gianelli & La Pinta, LLP.

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